A busy day for our team, completely devoted to Education and Public Outreach.
We spent the morning at the College where we saw the students of more than 10 different classes in three groups. From 6th to 10th graders, all groups were exposed to the size, age, and diversity of our universe, from close to far way! it was a real pleasure for us to share the talking, especially when commenting CFHT wide-field images to illustrate the life cycle of stars, move to our galaxy, or describe the interaction between galaxies.
We briefly visited the primary school to tell the 3rd/4th/5th graders about the observations of the Transit of Venus the following day: an announcement which was received we much excitement manifested by the students!
After a short sightseeing at the Petit Quai, we came back home to prepare for the evening. Christian finished to prepare his talk about the Transit of Venus for the studenst and the population, while Eric and Philippe checked their instrument for the star gazing to follow.
The college is a boarding school and all the boarders joined us for the evening, with quite a few people from the village too! In spite of some clouds passing by, everyone had a chance to look at the Moon and Saturn and ask questions to team. A good time for all… A late dinner and much talking around the dinner table at Cédric’ and Kamel’s place led us to bed very late… too late to write something on this blog. before Transit Day. Sorry!
Just too much to do to find the time to put TX5VT on the air. For anyone waiting, please be patient!
We will be patient and thanks for those pictures ! Take care Christian.